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Education in the USA ағылшын пәнінен ашық сабақ


 Education in the USA

— Aims- to build up cross-cultural links( Belarus- the USA)

— to develop Ss’ cultural knowledge about the USA

— to promote cooperation

Lesson Objectives – by the end of the lesson Ss will have practiced listening, reading the texts about schools in the USA, will be able to speak about schools in the USA and compare them with schools in Belarus.

Materials and preparations

A recording for the lesson, the text for the lesson, hand outs.

Lesson brief

1. Warm up.


Good morning. How are you? I’d like to start our lesson with Yes- No exercise.

I will read a statement. If you agree with it you will go to the word Yes,

which is over there on the wall. If you disagree, you will go to the sign No.

If you are in two minds you will stand near the sign I am in two minds . Be

ready to explain your choice.

( The teacher reads the statements. The students make their choices and explain



• It would be better to have the same timetable every single day of the week.

• I’d like to have a half an hour break for lunch.

• I would like to study in an American school.

2.Introduction of the objective

Our objective today is by the end of the lesson you should be able to compare schools in the USA and schools in Belarus.

3. Reading

2.1 Before reading

Answer the questions:

1.What are the stages of school education in Belarus?( primary schoolsecondary schoolhigh school)

2.Have you seen any films about schools in the USA? What surprised you what was unusual for you in those films?

We are going to read a text about schools in the USA. Please , pay attention to some words we will come across in the text.

— Lacrosse -a team game, originally played by North American Indians

— Cross country- is the sport of running, riding, or skiing across open countryside rather than along roads or around a running track

— Cheerleading-is an organized activity which involves leading a series of cheers to rally the crowd at sports

events. On high levels, cheerleading is itself a sport, with participants

performing dances and complex tricks which are extremely physically demanding.

2.2 Reading

Schools in the United States

Schools in the United States are not run by state or national governments but by the cities, so each school is different even if the school is in the same state. So I will talk about my school . I am from Ohio and the city that I am from is Cincinnati but in Cincinnati I live in a suburb called Whyoming.

So my school was run by Whoming government and there are elementary schools which is kindergarten, first, second,third and fourth grade. There is middle school which is, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. And there’s high school which is ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grade. But in America we call those grades freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior. Every student has their own schedule of classes but each timetable is the same for every student and it is the same every single day of the week. So every day is exactly the same. The biggest difference I find, is that there are many more extracurricular activities in American schools. An extracurricular activity is something done outside of just studying and taking classes. So almost every single student stays after their classes are done and they do sports. In my high school the sports are … football, cheerleading,

soccer, volleyball, cross country and lacrosse. If you are not on a sport you might do drama, there were many plays done at my school and a musical done every year. There are other clubs such as the school newspaper, which was very

popular, student government, environmental club.

When I was a student I was on the cross country team, I played the violin, for the orchestra, I was a member of the environmental club, and I played the violin for all of the high school musicals. So students in America are very busy and school life is very important to many teenagers and the school itself is very busy. Sometimes I would be at my school until 10 at night being busy with different things then you go home and have your homework done.

2.3 Complete the gaps in the sentences

1. Schools in the United States are run by _( the cities)

2. Each school even in the same state is ___.( different)

3. Kate lives in _(in in the suburb of Cincinnati Whoming. Cincinnati is in Ohio)

4. Elementary schools include _, _ , _ _.(kindergarten,first, second third and fourth grades)

5. Middle school includes _,_,_,_( fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth grades)

6. High school includes _. _, _, _( ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth grades)

7. They call ninth grade _, tenth grade_, eleventh grade _ , eleventh grade _(freshman, sophomore ,junior, senior)

Answer the questions

1.Do students have different timetable on different days of the week?( No, but each timetable is the same for every student and it is the same every single day of the week. So every day is exactly the same.)

2. What extracurricular activities are popular in American schools?( sports such as cheerleading, football, lacrosse, soccer, volleyball, cross country, drama, musicals, clubs such as a school newspaper, student government, environmental club)

3.What extracurricular activities did Amy participate in?( played the violin for the orchestra, was a member of the environmental club, played the violin for all of the high school musicals, was on the cross country team)

3. Listening

3.1 Before listening- could you describe your typical school day? When do you get up? What time do you come to school? What subjects do you have? How long are your classes? How long are breaks? When does school end?

Now we are going to listen to Katie. She is talking about her typical school day.

Pay attention to the words you are going to hear in the text

Period= lesson

locker -is a small metal or wooden cupboard with a lock, where you can put your personal possessions, for example in a school, place of work, or sports club.

Nutrition — питание

Wellness- the state or condition of being in good physical and mental health

Chocolate chips cookies

Measurements- мерка; измерение, система мер

Look through the tasks and try to guess the answers. Check yourselves.


Answer the questions

1. What time does she wake up? ( 6.30)

2. When does the school bus come?( 7)

3. How much time does it take Katie to get to school?( 40 minutes)

4. What time does school start? ( 8.30 )

5. How long does one period last? ( 1 hour and 10 minutes)

6. Where do they keep their books and stuff?( lockers)

7. What do they do for 15 minutes at the end of their second period?( reading)

8. When do they have lunch? How much time do they have for lunch?( at the end of the second period)30 minutes

9. What do they study in Nutrition and Wellness ? ( Food, Nutrition, how to make food )

10. What are they learning about right now(right now they are learning measurements and they were actually baking chocolate chips cookies)

11. What is her last period? ( Advanced Study in Art?)

12. At what time does she go home?( 3 o’clock)

Complete the gaps

1.The first period is _ …History

2. The second class is_ German

3. Her third period is _ Algebra 2

4. Her fourth period is _Nutrition and Wellness

5. Her fifth period is _Advanced Study in Art

4. Reading

Now let’s read about the most distressing time in the life of high school senior- applying to college and compare it with the way we do it in Belarus.

4.1 Before reading the text I’d like to draw your attention to the following words and phrases to apply to University

-поступать в университет (подавать документы) to enroll at-поступить, быть принятым

Scholastic Aptitude Test,or SAT. The SAT is an examination which is often taken by students who wish to enter a college or university. SAT is an abbreviation for `Scholastic Aptitude Test’.

multitude =numerous

Reasoning skills — the power of the mind to think, understand, and form judgments logically

Verbal skills-

Competition for admission -конкурс

Drop out-abandon a course of study

Admission committee-приемная комиссия

Notification – formal announcement Complete the gaps

1.The first period is _

2. The second class is_

3. Her third period is _

4. Her fourth period is _

5. Her fifth period is _

4. Reading

Now let’s read about the most distressing time in the life of high school senior- applying to college and compare it with the way we do it in Belarus.

4.1 Before reading the text I’d like to draw your attention to the following words and phrases to apply to University

-поступать в университет (подавать документы) to enroll at-поступить, быть принятым

Scholastic Aptitude Test,or SAT. The SAT is an examination which is often taken by students who wish to enter a college or university. SAT is an abbreviation for `Scholastic Aptitude Test’. multitude =numerous

Reasoning skills — the power of the mind to think, understand, and form judgments logically

Verbal skills-

Competition for admission -конкурс

Drop out-abandon a course of study

Admission committee-приемная комиссия

Notification – formal announcement

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