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Урок английского языка в 5 «б» классе


                                     Средняя школа села Нуресиль



английского языка в 5 «б» классе



















Учитель английского языка Косубаева Б.Т.





Lesson plan


School: Nuresil secondary school


Teacher name: Kosubayeva B.T.

Class: 5

Number present:


Lesson title

Art 1

Learning objectives(s)  that this lesson is contributing to (link

to the Subject programme)

5 L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom


5 L4 understand the main points of supported

extended talk on a range of general and curricu8lar topics

5 S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary

and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

5 W3 write with support factual deions at

text level which describe people, places and objects

5 UE3 use a growing variety of adjectives and

regular and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives on a limited

range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to use the main points of

supported advanced communication on a range of general and curricular topics

Most learners will be able to explain and compare using

vocabulary of general topic

Some learners will be able to explain and evaluate, using

appropriate subject-specific vocabulary a limited range of general topics in

making sentences

Level of thinking skills

Higher order thinking skills

Assessment criteria

makes up questions in order

talk about main points of listening  

uses vocabulary a limited

range of common topics

evaluates and proves his


Value links

National unity, peace and harmony

in our society

Cross-curricular links


Previous learning

Unit revision about work

past and future


Planned timings

Planned activities (replaces

the notes below with your planned activities)




Org. moment: Greeting learners

Warm-up: The aim of this warm-up repeat name of thing

around us.

What is it?

Teacher chooses some

pictures of object that are familiar to learners.  Teacher shows learners a small portion of

the picture. Get them to guess what the picture might be.

Dividing into subgroups using difference

shapes  and color of figure




Learners will listen in

audio about the wonder of the world and their forms (circle, rectangle, square, semicircle and triangle).

Task 1 Work in groups (S+S)

After listening learners are

asked to fill the gaps to complete the sentences.

1st group makes

up the  questions

2nd group

complete the sentence by sticking shapes

Deor: learners

Make up closed questions

Make up open questions

Answer closed questions

Answer open questions

Speak the name of shapes


Inner Circle, Outer Circle

This a variation on Think Pair Share. Rather than keeping the same

partner for each topic, pairings change with each question. Divide the class

in half and form two circles, one inside the other. Learners in the inner

circle talk with learners in the outer circle. After a question has been

answered and shared, have the inner circle rotate so that everyone gets a new



Task 2 Work in pairs (S+S)

Make up a dialogue using comparative and superlative adjectives in pairs.

Task 3 Work in groups

Look at the picture on the

whiteboard and make up sentences using comparative adjectives of general


Deor: a learners

make up sentences using

comparative adjectives

make up sentences using

superlative adjectives

Task 4 Work in groups

Two groups will be given

colored and different shapes of figures to make up something and protect

their creation.

Deor: learners

use the different shapes of


make up something

protect work




Sheets of paper

Shapes of figures

Hand signals



Self-assessment: Hand



Hand signals

Additional information

Differentiation-how do you plan to give more

support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment -how are you planning to check

learner’s learning?

Health and safety check

The groups will support each


In the process of group

work, there is a joint discussion, an exchange of views, and a dialogue.

Question and answer (target

and random). Evaluation of the response of a classmate. Keep teacher talking time to

a minimum

The class is organized for

group work.

ICT Skills to watch the


Ability to work in a group

(mutual respect).

Answer questions and

actively listen to others in the class discussion.

An interactive whiteboard

was used to display videos, presentations, slides.




Were the lesson objectives

/learning objectives realistic?





What did the learner learn



What was the learning

atmosphere like?


Did my planned

differentiation work well?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson.

Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your

















Summery evaluation


What two things will go really well (consider

both teaching and learning)?

1 -successful, in my opinion, will the stage of

the lesson by the method of "poster modeling", all learners will  involve in educational activities;

2 -no less successful will the discussion of the

listening, learners will develop listening and speaking skills.

What two things would have improved the lesson

(consider both teaching and learning)?

1 It is necessary to continue working with students on staging open


2 Involve learners in finding additional

information for the lesson.


What have I learned from the lesson about the

class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?







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